CES Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
Safe and Healthy Schools
Problem of Practice
On the Panorama Student Survey, 42% of CES students surveyed (3rd and 4th graders) responded favorably regarding feeling engaged at CES. This was down 6 percentage points from last year.
Theory of Action
If all staff/classrooms follow the Skillstreaming Curriculum of Social/Emotional Learning, and we make this a group focus as a whole school, then more students will report feeling more engaged within classrooms across CES.
Prioritized SU Goal
By June 2025, CES student survey results will demonstrate a 20% growth in students who reported favorably as being invested and engaged. Each Monday Morning Meeting will introduce a certain SEL (Kindness, empathy, etc.) skill that will be the focus across all classrooms throughout the week. We will do shout-outs for students who exemplify these characteristics and anticipate a 20% improvement in favorable responses by students on our Panorama Student Survey.
Prioritized Strategies/Change Ideas
By beginning our week with school-wide meetings, CES will focus on an SEL skill each week. Staff across each grade level and classroom will utilize uniform language to keep terminology and expectations consistent, positive, and student-friendly.
Panorama Student Surveys
Human, Materials, etc.
Skillstreaming tools for SEL work, workbooks for staff/classrooms, 2nd Step crosswalk with work done by School Counselors in the SEL classroom time in each homeroom.
Academic Achievement
Problem of Practice
In spring 2024, only 28% of CES' K-4 students demonstrated proficiency on DIBELS. On Spring ELA MAPs, K-1, 28% were proficient while 42% of students in grades 2-5 scored in the proficient range.
Theory of Action
If all teachers at the Tier 1 instructional level focused on further differentiating the needs of all learners AND utilized a revised schedule to allow for a more concentrated block of time within math instructional time, then student proficiency will increase by 20%.
Prioritized SU Goal
By June 2025, 100% of all CES students will demonstrate growth in Math, as evidenced by MAPs and USNS. 74% of students will be proficient, which is an increase of 20 percentage points in student proficiency.
Prioritized Strategies/Change Ideas
Student math schedules need a concentrated block of time to ensure Tier 1 instruction is meeting the needs of all learners. Students will remain in their classrooms for a longer concentrated block of instruction at the Tier 1 level. Intervention times will be adjusted by grade level, not by homeroom, to allow for more concentrated interventions across all tiers.
MAP, USNS, revised class schedules for teachers with a concentration of time at the Tier 1 level, prior to intervention time at the tiers 2 and 3 levels.
Human, Materials, etc.
Classroom teacher, Para, Tier 1 instructional PD, Interventionists, data specialist work on DM Schedules with a focus on concentrated blocks of instruction and intervention times.
Equity Goal
Problem of Practice
54% of CES students responded favorably in the area of Student Belonging. This was down 14% from last year's rating.
Theory of Action
If all staff are using Responsive Classroom (RC) language (Reminding, Redirecting, and reinforcing) and protocols (Morning Meeting, Energizers, Activators), then students will understand school-wide expectations and report a greater sense of belonging on our student survey.
Prioritized SU Goal
By June 2025, CES student survey results will demonstrate a 20% growth in students who report a favorable sense of belonging.
Prioritized Strategies/Change Ideas
Through a Responsive Classroom lens, all staff will use RC language consistently across all aspects of the day (Classrooms, specialists, interventionists, custodians, paraprofessionals, etc.).
Panorama Student Survey results, RC audits
Human, Materials, etc.
RC-trained staff, example videos, consistent language across the whole school.